Overweight and the Over 50s

I intend to choose my words very carefully for this blogpost! Nothing seems to stir older women up more than the 'f' word by which I mean the three letter one spelling f-a-t. So, if you are perfectly happy with your body whatever its size and shape, then this is not for you. If, however, you are one of the many women out there who is feeling less than satisfied with their weight and would love to do something about it, then read on and I hope that something here might be of help to you.

Why lose weight? The motivation for losing weight is very personal and in my experience of being a slimming club leader for 12 years back in the 1970's and 80's it is much better if it comes from you rather than from nagging by a partner or family member.

Here are some very good reasons to lose excess weight and keep it off:

  • It's uncomfortable and tiring. Try carrying around a 2 or 3 stone bag of potatoes for a few hours and you'll be relieved to put it down. But your body can't do that with it's extra weight.
  • It's a strain on your heart, lungs, knees, back and feet. As we age our body gradually loses the capacity to repair itself. Weight is a significant contributor to ill health including Type 2 diabetes.
  • It's difficult to buy nice clothes. The average size in the UK is around a 14 (size 8 in the USA). Anything over this is seen as non-standard so there is less choice especially if you are shorter than 5'5".
  • It makes movement difficult so you get into a downward spiral of inactivity and comfort eating. Exercise is increasingly important as we age but even a leisurely walk is difficult if you are a couple of stone or more overweight.

What will stop you losing weight?

Women tend to eat for emotional reasons because they feel negative about themselves and lack confidence or self esteem. Ageing makes these issues much worse. It's so easy to start thinking 'who cares what I look like?' Also you may have had a lifetime of losing and gaining weight and no longer believe that you can shift the extra pounds and keep them off. But I can promise you that losing the extra weight will make you feel fantastic both physically and emotionally so will be well worth the effort.

The other thing that will get in the way is the diet itself if you approach weight loss in the wrong way. You will be fine to start with (enthusiastic and hopeful) and then gradually you will start to slide back into old habits and be back at square one. Here are some thoughts about better approaches to losing weight when you are older.

1. Doing it on your own or with a friend.

If you don't have the money or inclination to lose weight via a slimming club or a food plan (see below), then you can do so very successfully alone or with a friend if you have sufficient self-discipline and determination. Here's how:

  • Portion control. Literally use smaller plates and bowls. Eat half your normal amount of bread, potatoes, butter, cereal (or cheese if you love cheese!) and twice as much of your normal intake of vegetables, salad and fruit.
  • Never eat beige food. Crisps, chips, pork pies, pastry, cake, biscuits, doughnuts, muffins, buns, rolls etc etc. If it's beige it's bad for you!
  • Your body needs a balance of nutrients to be healthy. That means some protein, good fat like olive oil and carbohydrates, nuts and seeds. Try to eat food that is as fresh and unadulterated as possible (i.e. not processed). So choose a wide range of colourful food in small portions.
  • Cut out as much sugar as possible. Don't sweeten drinks or add sugar to food.
  • Watch the calories in drinks. Especially tea, coffee and alcohol. Hydrate with tap water.
  • Weigh at most once a week. Expect fluctuations and aim for 2lbs maximum weekly loss. You may lose more the first week as there may be some fluid loss.
  • Have an article of clothing that you want to wear and try it on weekly. Much better than those pesky scales in my view.
  • Keep a food diary and if you have a difficult week keep it in perspective and keep going.

2. Joining a Slimming Club.

The best thing about joining a slimming club like Weight Watchers is that you have help and support and some structure in the form of an eating plan. It will also mean that you meet like-minded people who will understand how you feel. Some of the motivation will come in the form of that weekly 'weigh-in' when someone else will see how well you have done. I saw some amazing transformations when I ran my own slimming club for 12 years, so I know that for some people this is definitely the best way to go.

3. Signing up for a monthly delivery of portion controlled meals.


Caroline works as our LFF customer services manager. So I sit next to her most days and was intrigued with her foil container of 'Tuna Salad.' Her story is quite typical I think. Aged 53 she weighed 12 stone 10 pounds and in her words "felt old and frumpy." As you can see in the before picture above, she was not heavily overweight but she did want to stop yo-yo dieting and also wanted to fit into a fabulous red dress for a trip to Ascot (see below).

Caroline decided to sign up for a Jane Plan diet. This weight loss company was started by Jane Michell about 5 years ago and has been a very successful route for lots of women in the UK. For an average cost of just under £7 a day, every month Caroline received a box containing all she needed for 3 balanced meals a day to which she could add vegetables and fruit. She lost the weight very easily and 5 years later is still a slim 10 stone 7 pounds.


Because she was so convinced of the benefits, she decided to stay on the 'Jane Plan' to maintain her beautiful figure.

And me? I starved and binged my way through my late teens and twenties coming very close to becoming bulimic at my lowest ebb. I began my own slimming club in 1974 (aged 27) because I started to educate myself about balanced diets and safe weight loss and gradually learnt how to eat healthily and not gain weight. I also thought that I would like to  help other women like me. I have not weighed myself for years, but I use my clothes as indicators of any gain. It took a few years, but I have learnt to accept my ageing pear shaped size 14 (US Size 8) body and no longer use food to either comfort or punish myself.

How about you? Any tips you want to pass on or any help you need to lose weight?

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