1. Stop watching the news
It just doesn’t help my blood pressure to watch all the latest prognostications. I prefer to listen to programmes like ‘More or Less’ on BBC Radio 4 which gives factual data and information, and I also like to listen to a number of podcasts which offer various interesting perspectives.
2. Plan and structure my time.
Get up at the same time, shower, dress in something nice and apply my makeup and then plan my day to give me a sense of purpose and satisfaction. My mood starts to plummet if I am still in my PJs at lunchtime!
3. Feed my curiosity
My best solution last time was to be transported to other places and cultures via film. I went to Iceland twice, Saudi Arabia, Columbia, South Korea and also watched about five French films. There were some good British films too - the latest being ‘The Hope Gap’ with Bill Nighy and Annette Benning. I am also currently in the middle of series one of ‘Le Bureau’ (Amazon Prime) - four more series to go of this enthralling French secret service yarn. And then there’s the Booker shortlist to tackle.
4. Mens Sana in Corpore Sano
My weekly exercise target is five sessions of thirty minutes each on my beautiful little pink exercise bike. I really push myself so that it feels challenging and I feel brilliant afterwards. My bike is the pink Opti and it cost about £80. Worth its weight in gold, especially when you can’t get out.
5. Social contact
If two households are stopped from meeting it will be back to Zoom, emails and telephone calls. But we know that is just about ok whilst being a poor substitute for the real thing (a big hug from a grandchild). I’m going to keep telling myself that it’s not forever, grit my teeth and get on with it. Any contact, however virtual, is better than nothing.
6. Positive thinking and optimism
Daily gratitude lists, the odd treat from a special box of pamper products, being kinder to myself. Living alone I have to become my own best friend at times like these. So no ruminating on the past, no beating myself up and no sentences starting with ‘I wish’ or ‘If only’.
7. Go out for a daily walk
A walk in the wind and rain is a different kettle of fish to a stroll in balmy sunshine but it’s still vital for health and well being (and Vitamin D). So I am promising myself now that I won’t hole up indoors for days at a time if the weather turns foul. Note to self: buy a warm hat!
8. Super Troopers for fun and support
Tricia’s Super Troopers has developed into such an amazingly kind and supportive group. I feel as though it’s now peopled by old friends who are there for me whenever I need them. Thank goodness that throughout the coming months I can hop onto FB and find love, laughter and inspiration to lift my morale and keep me going.