I always think of September as a time of new beginnings. Maybe it’s something to do with the start of a new school or college year, but I have long felt that this is the perfect time of year to start a new project, begin a new hobby or take yourself in hand if you want to change something in your life. Christmas is just three months away, so what could you achieve by then if you set your mind to it?
Back in January, one of the undoubted stars of our five day zoom programme for lockdown was Leonie Wright, who entertained us every Wednesday by demonstrating a quick, easy, tasty and, above all, healthy recipe.
As we came out of lockdown in April and the daily programme of events drew to a close, Leonie decided to offer a ‘21 Day Turnaround Programme’ designed to help women like you and me to get to grips with their health and weight. This has proved to be a tremendous success for those that participated, so Leonie has decided to offer it to you all again.* I have also asked her to tell us about the programme and feature the story of one woman, Jan, who had been gaining weight steadily over the years and who had added another stone since the pandemic struck. I’ll let Leonie and Jan tell you more.
Leonie: “For two years I encouraged Jan with weekly recipes but, as the days and weeks and months rolled-on her weight was steadily increasing until she wore size 18/20 clothes and looked like Humpty-Dumpty – her words, not mine!
Jan is like many of us – trying to do the right thing but also busy working (actually running her own business (https://www.eatonsquareinteriors.co.uk) and, without realising it, losing sight of herself and her health. She believed the huge tummy she’d lived with for so long was caused by having her third child when she was thirty-nine and would therefore never go away.
Then this year Jan decided she’d had enough of covering-up in baggy clothes and looking down at a bloated tummy. By the end, you’ll read how her tummy “deflated like a burst balloon” and her “waist reappeared”. You’ll read how she changed the number on the scales, the size of her clothes and even her underwear! Jan’s diary starts as she joins my 21 Day Turnaround Programme in April”.

These photographs show Jan before she started her weight loss journey with me
Jan's Diary
Week 1 to Week 3:
Hi all! I’m so excited to join the group. Having put on a stone over the last year in lockdown and a few stone over the last 9 years I’m feeling really positive about tackling what I eat (and don’t eat). Today is my 15th day…and I’m feeling very well indeed. My tummy has gone down quite a lot now - I don’t feel like Humpty Dumpty any more! I’m not feeling headachy and even the aches and pains when I get up from the sofa in the evening have gone. I can see a waist reappearing so my body is changing shape, so it’ll be great to not have to cover myself up in shapeless, baggy clothes.
Week 4 to Week 6:
So excited! I technically finished my 21 days yesterday. I am delighted to say that I have lost 8lbs in total! I have gone down from a size 18-20 in jeans to a size 16. I have eaten 3 meals per day, and exercised moderately. I have also enjoyed the snacks when at home. The best thing is I am not having any cravings for sugary food, or crisps. I have lost the bloated tummy and face and hands too. I know that we can’t stop the ageing process, but I’d like to feel more like I did when I was younger, and slimmer. I’ve found 2 photos of myself on different holidays, one taken 3 years ago, and another taken 12 years ago. I didn’t expect to see such a difference in myself facially and in body size. It’s quite shocking to see how easy it is to pile on the pounds over the years especially when you know you’re not a greedy person and you’ve watched what you eat, skipped meals and exercised to help keep the weight off. I feel like a huge mental pressure has been lifted as I know I can get my slim body back and not have to hide under big, baggy clothes or avoid being photographed.
Week 7 to Week 9:
Last night, I had my first tap/jazz adult exercise class. I wore my black exercise leggings and a black Sweaty Betty top which wouldn’t have been wearable before losing the stone. I think anything that challenges me is beneficial and worth pursuing, so the good news is that I’ll continue with this. I may never be a tap dancer but if it makes me feel happy, then it’s money and time well spent. I have ditched my M&S size 18 big pants and am wearing girly knickers which have been in my underwear drawer since they were bought. I’m eating 3 meals a day with 2 snacks. I feel no cravings and feel so well, motivated and happy. This weekend I’m going to go through my wardrobe in order to ditch the size 18-20 clothes. I’m liking my reflection in the mirror and feel like me again.
Week 10 to Week 12:
I weighed myself this morning (I shouldn’t have) as I am still the same as 2 weeks ago. Although with the tape measure I have lost a little in inches. I thought as much as my clothes feel looser. I’m going to put the scales away and just keep going as I am really happy eating this way. Onwards and upwards. Two stone lost. Yes!!!!! I’m wearing my size 14 white trousers. Thank you to Leonie Wright and the lovely group of ladies who are so supportive and excited about eating healthily and “Wright”. For me, being able to report in, keeps me very focussed. So my advice is keep sharing, and don’t be shy as it should help you too.

Jan has lost inches from her waist

And she looks fantastic after 12 weeks eating well with EatWright
Leonie: I wondered why, after 2 years, Jan suddenly decided enough was enough. Two reasons are obvious to me:
Firstly Jan started valuing herself. If you have a challenge ahead, feeling good about yourself is far more useful to boost your energy and optimism than a harsh inner dialogue. If you’re looking to change your health, prepare by using positive self-talk. Think of how you would encourage a dear friend and say those things to yourself.
Secondly, I created something simple and easy to help Jan get started. I’ve been a nutrition coach for 11 years, able to offer a five star service to my clients. I also have three recipe books full of easy and healthy recipes. But, some people need a little more encouragement than a book. I realised that my clients needed the right mixture of information, simplicity, support and flexibility.

So in April 2021, after months of planning, I launched the ‘21-Day Turnaround Programme’ and Jan was one of the first people to sign up. She’s still in the group, still making progress and still inspiring other members. So far, the group has lost 280 pounds! Our ladies have also gained flexibility, energy, sleep, positivity, self-control and friends. So, if like Jan you are ready for a reset and refresh, I’m inviting you to join us too. Also, with the code TRICIA10 I’d like to offer you a 10% discount when you sign up: https://www.eatwright.co.uk/21dayturnaround.
Thank you Leonie and Jan for inspiring us with your stories. I made many of Leonie’s healthy and delicious recipes after she demonstrated them during our Wednesday sessions between January and April (watch our sessions here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLR8OlPIRimpaUWFkAqVY-GIlhgvC19K9a). Leonie’s approach is perfect if, like me, you hate the idea of ‘going on a diet’ in order to trim off the extra pounds. This is a healthy eating plan for life full of tasty and satisfying food. If you start now - how much better might you be looking and feeling by Christmas?
Tricia x