White Hot Hair*

How do you feel about your hair now that you are older? These days most women under 40 have long hair which is associated with being sexy, attractive and 'hot'. Whilst short hair on young women is seen as slightly rebellious and edgy. But what about when you are no longer seen as either hot or edgy because you are 'past it'?

For a lot of women, hair is deeply emblematic - of youth, strength and as a measure of attractiveness. As hair changes over time and becomes thinner, finer and gradually turns grey, many women become deeply distressed by this. Even more than wrinkles, the changes to our hair are seen as the physical manifestation of decline and loss (especially if it starts to fall out). What to do? If we lived in a society that celebrated rather than feared growing old, this would not be an issue - but while we wait for that wonderful nirvana it seems to me there are two possible responses.

The first is to keep your hair as close as possible to how it has been all your life.

Same basic style, length and colour. If you were blonde - then blonde you will stay. If your hair was dark - then every grey hair will be ruthlessly covered. This solution has two drawbacks: one is that it is time-consuming and expensive and the other is that your hair colour may no longer suit your paler, more faded features. So if you are taking that route - then please re-appraise your make-up and maybe you need to choose a softer hair colour. A helmet of very dark hair is ironically very ageing.

The second approach is to allow your hair to grow as it wants to and adapt to the changes as they happen.

So you adjust your makeup and hairstyle depending on what is needed. Older hair may look better short unless you are lucky to still have thick tresses - when it will look fabulous long. However grey or white hair doesn't suit everyone but when it does - wow it can look stunning! The important thing with both approaches is that you are ruthlessly honest with yourself when you look in the mirror.

I have to say I am a bit weird about my hair.

It's poker straight - so it has to be brilliantly cut or it looks a total mess. My most successful hairstyle in my late teens was a Vidal Sassoon bob - all one length, and cut in a beautiful shape to suit my head and face shape. I have had variations on this for most of my life. My hair is also a very boring mouse brown - so in the past blonde highlights have lifted it and made it more interesting. However - and I know I am unusual in this, I absolutely love grey hair.

So I now have grey/white highlights put in to hasten the moment when my hair turns properly grey (roll on). I have also just had it cut again - I had been growing it for six months back into the boring old 'bob' of the past. That's all gone and it's now a short sharp shape. Easier to manage, cooler for summer and I love it! I'd also love to hear about products you use on your hair - I use Aveda Blue Malva products which are gentle and keep the yellow at bay!

How do you feel about your hair and what path are you taking as you age? Just leave your comments below. Thank you.

*I have pinched the title White Hot Hair from a very good website selling products for white hair - these are also sold in Boots.

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